God in our thoughts

I was at my mom’s this week and one of the things we did together was listen to the Bible on my Bible app. (I’m sure it doesn’t surprise anyone to know that I have several Bible apps on my phone and one that even reads it to me as well as several Audible audio […]

Looking at Jesus

A devotion from Jessie: April was a busy month for me. I had some personal issues that made it rather difficult and I also had a couple of books I needed to write. I actually write pretty well when I’m busy. When I’m physically active, it seems to help me think better. But when I’m […]


We all have things we’re waiting for, right? Healing. A better job. Children. A spouse. Wayward children to come back. A broken relationship healed. I usually assume God has me wait because I need to develop patience. But lately I was thinking that maybe God might be having me wait because I need time to […]

It’s about the cross

I wrote a devotion a couple of years ago, and I thought it might be fitting to put it in the newsletter today, so here it is: Back when my kids were little, like elementary school age, one of my best friends and I put on the fall and spring Presentation Nights for our homeschool […]

Happy Palm Sunday

Happy Lord’s Day! I know, I don’t usually send an email out on Sundays, but I have a few things I needed to tell you. : ) I do have a devotion below, though, so be sure you scroll down and check it out.  First, I wanted to thank you all for your support on […]

Happy Valentine’s Day!

God often compares His love for us (Christians – men and women) to what we think of as “romantic” love. I think for ladies, especially, God put in us a desire to be desired. To be pursued. To be noticed and known. To have someone appreciate what we do, understand us and really see us […]

A Christmas Eve Devotion

I’ll be back on Tuesday with answers to some of your questions and hopefully a farm story. And maybe a picture – we had the most adorable heifer calf born Thursday just before it dumped two inches of rain and a day before the wind gusted all day and the temperatures dropped to single digits…she’s […]

Who will be in Heaven because of me?

Jessie again with a devotion from earlier this year in the Chat: So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Psalm 90:12 I got an email this week from someone who talked about how the Christian themes in my books were a blessing to her and how they’ve […]

An Observation of Sacrifice

I have a little thing I wrote in 2020 at the start of lockdowns and I thought I’d share it again today.  This year as I’ve been reading through my Bible, a couple of phrases have stood out to me—sacrifices of praise, sacrifices of joy, sacrifices of thanksgiving. “Sacrifice” seemed like an odd word to […]

Be Wise

Though he slay me, yet will I trust Him. You all know the story of when God told Abraham to sacrifice his only son, Isaac. Abraham took Isaac and some wood and went and made an altar. He even tied up Isaac and set him on it. Abraham had his hand raised, knife in it, […]