Gates 101

Watson was in PA and Julia and I were on the farm by ourselves. Now, when I was a kid on the farm, it was drummed (and I mean drummed) into my head, that if you open a gate, you go through, and you SHUT it behind you. Watson, who grew up in a logging […]

Dining Out

Okay, I’m going to confess—I love to go out to eat. Love it. I mean, doesn’t it feel so decadent to have a whole menu of options in front of you to choose from? You can pick anything you want, and someone else will make it! Then someone brings it to your table along with […]

I go riding…

here is something I wrote in September of 2021: All right, I promised I was going to tell you what has been going on with me. Some of you are like family to me and have suspected that there was something going on. I wanted to tell you, but…let me start with a little story. […]

Mom’s “Onions in the Stew…”

I have a short story that I shared a while ago, but since it’s chili season, I thought I’d share it again. : ) I think I’ve mentioned before, my parents are frugal. We always had a big garden and did a lot of cooking and canning, and we got meat from the farm. (Mom […]

Moms & Grandmas

Before Christmas I did something a little crazy.  I bought four draft horses for myself, three old Belgian mares and a Percheron. Draft horses are the big, heavy work horses you see hitched to Amish plows and doing field work. I’ve always loved drafts, maybe because they’re so big and powerful, but also usually very […]

Happy New Year!

Wow! I was so blessed by all of your emails to me about reading the Bible through last year. What a joy to know so many people are in the Word. Of course, some of you read it slower, in smaller chunks, and that’s totally fine, and some of you copy it out by hand, […]

How was your 2022?

I wanted to pause for a minute and thank you all for a wonderful 2022! I’ve seen a lot of authors recapping their year in books, and that’s always fun, and I do have a graphic of mine, but for sure, reading The Book – God’s Word – through means more to me than how […]

Jessie answers your questions

I hope you all had a joyous Christmas and were able to stay warm and comfy. : ) We had a mostly quiet weekend. We dealt with the cold like everyone else, with a few frozen lines and some equipment that wouldn’t start and fun stuff like that. We didn’t lose any animals, even the […]

A little Christmas season update…

Okay, little story about how my Christmas season is going.  Wednesday my dad had a procedure to remove a pre-cancerous growth from his head. Apparently he couldn’t get the bleeding stopped and it bled all night. So, you know, we have a thing about hospitals in my family, I guess, because it wasn’t until yesterday […]

Mischief at the poles…

The election is long over, but I thought I’d put a story in I told about my boys a couple years ago. I’ve mentioned before that I talk politics with my kids. We have lively, friendly discussions, and I love that they can back up their opinions and beliefs with facts and common sense. Last […]