A Christmas Eve Devotion
I’ll be back on Tuesday with answers to some of your questions and hopefully a farm story. And maybe a picture – we had the most adorable heifer calf born Thursday just before it dumped two inches of rain and a day before the wind gusted all day and the temperatures dropped to single digits…she’s […]
A little Christmas season update…
Okay, little story about how my Christmas season is going. Wednesday my dad had a procedure to remove a pre-cancerous growth from his head. Apparently he couldn’t get the bleeding stopped and it bled all night. So, you know, we have a thing about hospitals in my family, I guess, because it wasn’t until yesterday […]
Mischief at the poles…
The election is long over, but I thought I’d put a story in I told about my boys a couple years ago. I’ve mentioned before that I talk politics with my kids. We have lively, friendly discussions, and I love that they can back up their opinions and beliefs with facts and common sense. Last […]
When you’re here, you’re family.
I don’t know if you all remember this summer where I struggled some – I was pretty much unable to do much of anything – just breathing was exhausting. I’d walk down the stairs, then lie down on the hall floor to catch my breath. That’s how I was feeling when I wrote this book. […]
Jessie gets lost.
I hope you all have been having a great week. It’s been a busy week for me. I was driving home from PA yesterday and it was a little foggy. When I drive, I have a tendency to not pay attention to things because I start thinking about stuff and forget that I’m driving. I’ve […]
Get you a Julia!
I hope everyone is having a great December. Julia said to me over the weekend, “I feel like we keep getting hit by a wrecking ball, like, every day it’s something.” And I laughed and said, “Yeah, it’s been a hard fall.” She grunted and said, “It’s been a hard year!” Ha. But, Monday morning I […]
Pics from the farms
Jessie is a snack.
Okay, so I don’t really have a farm story for you today, but I read an interesting article online. Now, I can’t watch horror movies. I watched one when I was in high school and I think I looked under my bed and in my closet every night until I turned 35 or so. I’m […]
CJ and TJ

Hello Sweet Readers! TJ: I’m TJ CJ: And I’m CJ. TJ: And we’re Miss Jessie’s bottle babies. She wrote a lot of words this week and I know she was pretty tired, so we told her that we’d take over her newsletter today. CJ: She took a picture of us – I’m the cute one […]
Here’s something I wrote about my son a while ago: Julia was reading a book earlier this week, and she told me about it – that the author talked about being “poised.” And I kinda laughed and said, “I guess I need it, too,” because I’m about as clumsy as a person can be. And […]