
One of my brothers-in-law has a thing for fireworks. Usually, he puts them off in the church parking lot, but at this time—years ago—he and my sister had just moved into their new house and wanted to have a get-together. Since it was close to Fourth of July, they decided to do fireworks at their […]

I wipe the blood off my piano keys. 🎹

Okay, some of you know that we’ve been hanging out with friends and family, and this week we’ve been entertaining my parents, some cousins and some in-laws and friends have also been here on the farm. Today I thought I’d share a story from last year when my parents visited: I didn’t always have a […]

What comes in threes?

I hope everyone is having a great week! So…about mine. Actually, let me give you a conversation I heard my girls have at the end of last week. Daughter 1:  It’s like there’s a big wave of death that keeps hitting us over and over. Daughter 2:  More like a swirl of death that is […]

Don’t quit. 🙂

It’s been busy here on the farm since the middle of May. Some fun things and some wins, but a lot of hard things as well. I admit, when I realized I’d put out fifty books (I hadn’t been counting and had no idea) it felt like a huge accomplishment. It also put me in […]

Hard Times

I don’t have a farm story from this week. I do have a story from just about a year ago.  I wanted to talk some about Alex, who was from Chiapas, Mexico, who spent a couple of years working with our family. He was like a brother to our boys (read: they picked on each […]

A sweet surprise. 💖

Okay, I’m going to confess – I love to go out to eat. Love it. I mean, doesn’t it feel so decadent to have a whole menu of options in front of you to choose from? You can pick anything you want, and someone else will make it! Then someone brings it to your table […]

Divorce and heartbreak

Alright, we’ve been really busy on the farm lately – we’ve already baled hay, gotten several more fields cleared and planted, we’ve had almost fifty calves born this year and we’ve brought up two bulls from Texas and sold our Penn State, Jesse James Angus bull to our neighbor. We have three calves in our […]

Ducks vs Chickens (Watson and I have a small argument.)

I promised to tell you about the ten chicks that have been in my library for the past month. Most of you all know that we have two laying houses in Pennsylvania. There are 20,000 birds in each of those houses. We started out our chicken journey when the kids were little with ten Rhode […]

God Is Good!

I had originally thought I would tell you about the cow that bloated on Easter Sunday, but I got to thinking it’s been a year since we moved here to Virginia. For all of you who have been getting my newsletter, you know it’s been kind of a crazy year, Covid not withstanding, lol. At […]

Watson and I Go on a Date

So, those of you who have children know what it’s like to hear them cry in the middle of the night.  You also know that you can often tell by their cry what the problem is. If they’re just crying because they’re bored, if there’s really a problem, if you need to call 911. It’s […]