Alright, short story. : )
Yesterday was a crazy day for a lot of reasons, but things had finally quieted down towards evening. The girls had gone to help a neighbor with her horse, when Watson came home and hollered up the stairs, “George, I have a project for you.”
Well, I had been working, but a project sounded like fun, so I put my computer away and went down to see this:

That’s a project I can get behind!
So, yeah, Watson was checking cows with our neighbor and they almost ran over this calf. They figured out her mom had lost her calf last year and our neighbor said, “If she loses this one, I’m sending her down the road.”
Watson couldn’t believe he was just going to let the calf there, when the mom had obviously not been taking care of her, so he got out of the pickup, picked up the calf and brought it home to me. : )
I’m not sure she’s going to make it. She hadn’t eaten at all, I don’t think, and she was more than a day old. Plus she has a few other issues. Usually I don’t include stories of animals that I’m not sure are going to have a happy ending, but I just couldn’t resist, because it was love at first sight for me with Elsa. (That’s what the girls named her since she’s in the pasture with Frozen, our shower calf. They look so pretty together.)
Alright, thanks for spending a little time with me on release day!
Hugs and love,