I hope everyone is having a great week!
So…about mine. Actually, let me give you a conversation I heard my girls have at the end of last week.
Daughter 1: It’s like there’s a big wave of death that keeps hitting us over and over.
Daughter 2: More like a swirl of death that is swirling over us and is stuck there.
Daughter 3: It’s not just over our farm, since two of our neighbors just passed away.
Daughter 1: (sounding a little scared) So…it’s not just animals. It’s people now, too.
Me (being helpful): When I was a kid, people always said death came in threes. (Okay, so maybe rather than being helpful, I was sticking my foot in my mouth.)
Daughter 1:
Daughter 2:
Daughter 3:
Me (trying to remove my foot): But, you know, that’s not true, since we’ve had way more than three deaths on the farm.
Daughter 3: Maybe it takes, like, three animals to make one person…
Daughter 2: More than that.
Daughter 1: But we still have another person that needs to die.
Me: (still trying) It was just an old wives tale. You know, it’s not true. Like Santa Clause. It just seems that way sometimes.
Daughter 1: So…it could be more than three.
Oh, goodness. I’ve said before that on the farm, we’re a lot closer to life and death. We see it almost every day. But like that old adage – when it rains it pours – we’ve been going through it more than usual lately.
We can handle it, of course. The Lord doesn’t give us trials that He doesn’t help us through. : )